SPECIAL OFFER for Secrets of a Pivot Boss!


It’s been a long time since I’ve had a special offer for my book Secrets of a Pivot Boss, but I’ve received so much fantastic feedback for my book lately, that I decided it’s time to connect with new traders who’ve yet to purchase it!

Here’s the deal, order Secrets of a Pivot Boss by March 5, and I’ll throw in an invitation to my upcoming course Introduction to PivotBoss Pivots. In addition, I’m also providing custom PivotBoss indicators for the MarketDelta and ThinkorSwim platforms, which will include my new PivotBoss Pivots indicator.

Click Here to Learn More!

If you already own the book, you’ll also receive an invitation to the webinar, and access to the indicators.

I’m looking forward to seeing you next week!


Frank Ochoa
Author, Secrets of a Pivot Boss

PivotBoss | Own the Market
PivotBoss Premium | Premiere Analysis for Traders
PivotBoss Masters | Premiere Training for Traders

“I have read hundreds of trading books, and yours is by far the best!” – L.G.